Providing Quality Process Evaluation & Emissions Testing
Our Services
Test Teams
Catalyst provides qualified test personnel proficient in the latest EPA test methods. Each team is structured with a QSTI-certified test supervisor with more than 15 years’ experience who is responsible for ensuring that test programs are completed as scheduled while adhering to all applicable environmental, health, and safety regulations.
Catalyst personnel have extensive on-site experience at various industrial and electric power generation facilities. This experience results in efficient test programs that minimize testing delays while providing reliable data, accurate test reports and, potentially, lower financial burden for the client.
Catalyst has certified team leaders who adhere to established QA procedures for all tests.
Catalyst personnel work cooperatively with all government regulatory personnel ensuring accurate test protocols and reporting, and limiting the potential for test delays. We work willingly with other on-site contractors and manufacturers’ representatives during performance evaluation or equipment installation to ensure the client obtains the most information and best outcome from the testing.
Test Equipment
Catalyst Air Management, Inc. maintains a comprehensive inventory of state-of-the-art testing equipment. Pre and post-test calibrations are completed on all applicable equipment by qualified personnel according to written QA policy.
Test Capabilities
Catalyst Air Management, Inc. can provide comprehensive source emissions testing, emissions control equipment performance evaluation, diagnostic, efficiency and regulatory compliance testing, continuous emissions monitoring system certification, reference method emissions testing for all criteria pollutants and air toxics, CAM Plan testing, SCR tuning and boiler efficiency testing.
To contact Catalyst Air Management regarding current employment opportunities, please email resumés to Catalyst Air HR.